Please find below our “Terms and Conditions” which applies to purchases from Andrénplast in addition to what is specified on our quotes. If you have any questions please contact us.
Unless stated in the quotation the following conditions apply:
- All prices are exclusive of VAT.
- Andrénplast’s terms of payment is 30 days from invoice date.
- All deliveries are “Ex Works” (Combiterms 2000, EXW 001) ie. free Andrénplasts current premises.
- The offer is valid 90 days from the date of the quote.
- Andrénplast has the right to renegotiate and get compensation for any increases in material prices, shipping costs, and currency surcharges energy costs included in or attached to any product if the change varies ± 2% from the quotation date.
- The Customer is responsible for notifying Andrénplast in writing of any changes.
- Andrénplast follow the industry guidelines of the Swedish Plastics and Chemicals Federation unless other terms are agreed and stated in the quotation.